Here are the unofficial count of ballots for Trustee Election for School District #13 in the May 2 Election. The top 2 vote-getters will be seated on the Eureka School Board. Thank you for all that voted.
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Come Join Our Pride! Eureka Public Schools is accepting applications for a Middle School Secretary for the 2023/2024 school year. Applications are available on the school website or at the EPS Central Office, 340 9th Street, Eureka, MT 59917. Please call 406-297-5650 with questions. Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
job opening
Notice of School Board Election Location and Method of Counting Absentee/Mail Ballots and the System Software option location on May 2 .
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Notice of School Board Election. Ballots are being mailed out on April 17. Please do not forget to sign your blue envelope. Ballots can be mailed back or dropped off at LCHS Mon-Fri 9:00-2:30, or 8:00am-8:00pm on election day. Election day is May 2.
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
CHILD FIND. Free Child Screening for children 3-5 years old on April 26 at the First Baptist Church. Reserve an appointment now. Call 406.297.5623, or visit, or scan code on this poster. Tests include Vision, hearing, cognitive/academic development, fine motor development, and speech and communication.
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
child find
The Elementary Music Concert was fantastic! Great job to all the kindergarten thru fourth grades students under the direction of Mrs. Tribble! It was so fun!
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Doughnuts for Dads in the third grade! We have lots of great Dads!
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public Schools next School District Board Meeting will be Thursday, March 16th, 2023 in the LCHS Media Center at 6:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public Schools next School District Board Meeting will be Thursday, March 16th, 2023 in the LCHS Media Center at 6:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Mrs. Hall's 1st grade class built houses that had to be strong enough to survive the Big Nice Wolf. They had a blast!
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
wolf 1
Mrs. Hall's 1st grade class built houses that had to be strong enough to survive the Big Nice Wolf. They had a blast!
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Kindergarten Roundup is April 14. If your child will be 5 years old on or before September 10th, its time to register. Here is the registration form to pre-register: If you have any questions, please call the Elementary Office at 406-297-5500
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
kindergarten roundup
Eureka Public School February Board Meeting Notice. February 13, 6:00PM in LCHS Library
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
School Superintendent Joel Graves took some time to read to Mrs. Kindel's first graders. The story was about being kind. Thank you Mr. Graves for coming into the classroom. The kids loved it!
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Our Eureka Elementary students help send off the Speech and Drama kids to state. Go Lions!
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Smokey Bear and Friends visited the Elementary for lunch! This is one of our monthly community outreach getting various groups into the school. Thank you Smokey and forest service friends for coming in and visiting with our kids!
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Donny & Judy Stacy were guest speakers for the first grade classes. They shared their experiences and pictures of living and working in Antarctica! The students were all amazed! Thank you Donny & Judy
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Come Join Our Pride! Eureka Public Schools is accepting applications for a Kitchen Worker. District Applications are available on the school website or at the EPS Central Office, 340 9th Street, Eureka, MT 59917. Please contact Anita at for any information or at 406-297-5650. Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public Schools hope you all enjoy the holiday season and the opportunity to spend time with your family and friends. We thank you all for the support of the district and its students. Our first day back from winter break will be January 4, 2023. Happy Holidays!
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
SCHOOL OPEN WEDNESDAY: Our schools buildings will be open on Dec 21, but we will not run our school buses . This is due to the extreme weather conditions. Of course you as parents can make the decision on whether or not you choose to send your children to school. We do remain open as it is the only options for many students. Our teaching staff will be here and we welcome all those who can make it. If you can't make it tomorrow, please let us know. Stay warm and enjoy a nice winter break. We are excited to see you back on January 4.
about 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
school open