Hello Eureka Lions. Due to extreme weather conditions and temperatures, Eureka Public Schools will NOT be running any school buses tomorrow, January 12. The schools WILL remain open for all students who can safely attend. If your student cannot safely come to school tomorrow please keep them home and inform the building school office. Thank you, Superintendent Graves
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
no buses
Due to extreme weather forecasted, all school extra-curricular and athletic events are being postponed or cancelled from Thursday 1/11 - Sunday 1/14. This includes basketball, wrestling, robotics, and speech & drama.
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
The Eureka Kindergarten Students brought holiday cheer to the nursing home. Students sang songs about reindeer, and created their own cards to give to the seniors. The residents loved listening to the songs and visiting with the students.
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Join us Monday night, December 4 at 6pm for our High School Parent Night. Options after High School, finding right college or school, paying for college, Scholarships, and MORE. Please check out the flyer for info
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
parent night
Parents In Action is looking for Businesses/people who want to rent-a-tree. All decorations were done by elementary students. THEY NEED BIDDERS!! Please spread the word and help them out. Bidding closes at 5pm 11/30!! You can contact PIA by call/text: (509)868-4798 or email pia@teameureka.net or message them on Facebook. This is a MAJOR fundraiser for our PIA group. They put on the Book Fair, host multiple family events like BINGO, sponsored the elementary grade level shirts, show appreciation for students and staff, and so much more!!
about 1 year ago, Heather Dunn
I am writing to respectfully ask for clarification from those who voted against the recent school bond election. With 94% of ballots returned that were mailed out, it seems there was robust civic engagement, yet the bond still failed by nearly 400 votes. As a concerned community member and the Superintendent of the School District, I am trying to understand the rationale behind the 'no' votes. Is there a perception that the school is not being transparent or responsive enough regarding the need for a new building? Are voters unconvinced that a new facility is truly necessary? Or are there other factors at play? This bond failure despite high voter turnout suggests there are lingering questions or objections within our community. I invite those who voted 'no' to send me an email, (jgraves@teameureka.net), call me (406-297-5650), or fill out the anonymous survey on our school website, (www.lchigh.net) and help explain your perspective. Increased dialogue and understanding could pave the way for an eventual compromise. We all want what is best for our kids and community. Clarifying the objections to the bond will allow the school board to better address any issues. With open communication and good faith on all sides, we can find a path forward. Our community is at its best when we speak and listen to each other with care and consideration. Again, I encourage you to reach out to me or fill out the anonymous survey on our website. Sincerely, Joel Graves, Superintendent, Eureka Public Schools Anonymous Survey: https://forms.gle/uneEQY1ZYnUH18cs7
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
no vote
November Board Meeting Notice: November 13 at 6:00pm in the LCHS Media Center (Library)
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Results are back from the 2023 School Bond. 1238 YES to 1621 NO. 94% of the voters returned their ballots. Thank you to the School Board, Admin, Staff, and Community Members who worked on this bond request. Serving our Students is our mission and we will continue to do the best we can with what we have.
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public Schools is accepting applications for an Elementary Para Professional. This is a full time position. Come join our team and make an impact on our young students. District Applications and job descriptions are available on the district website www.lchigh.net or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650 or by email. Please contact Amy at ayarus@teameureka.net. Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
2023 School Bond ballots are being mailed out to registered voters in the Eureka Elementary School District on October 18. Ballots will need to be received back by Election Day November 7. Ballots can be mailed back to the county, dropped off at the sheriff's office, or dropped off on election day at the Eureka polling location, the High Roads Youth Center. Bond information is available at www.lchigh.net. On the site you will find a calculator to find your increased tax impact on your property. If you need help, please feel free to contact Superintendent Joel Graves, jgraves@teameureka.net, or 406.297.5650
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Sunburst Arts is proud to bring the Missoula Children's Theater to Eureka this year Nov 13-18. Auditions will be Nov 13 at 3:45. Approximately 50-60 kids will appear in the show. Spots available for stage managers as well. For more information, please read the graphic on this post. We are excited to see all the students perform!
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
TONIGHT! DONT MISS OUT! LCHS will host the Eureka Town Council Candidate Forum and School Bond Information meeting on October 17 at 6pm in the Auditorium. The public is invited to come and listen to the candidates. Pre-arranged questions will be asked by the LCHS Civics Class Students. No community oral questions will be permitted during the forum. After the forum, school bond information will be presented and general public questions will be encouraged. Get all your questions answered. The board is committed to transparency with the voters.
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
candidate forum
The school bond vote is coming up soon. Ballots are being mailed from the county elections office on October 18 to those registered voters of the Eureka Elementary School District. Please take the time to get yourself informed on the needs of the school district and your tax impact. Visit www.lchigh.net for more information. You can also call or email Superintendent Joel Graves at 406.297.5650 or jgraves@teameureka.net. He will take time to answer all your questions. There is also an informational meeting on October 17 in the LCHS Auditorium at 6:00pm This will start after the Eureka Town Council Candidate Forum. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
On October 20 the Northwest Drug Task force and Lincoln County Sheriff's office will have a presentation about Fentanyl. Please read flyer for information and plan to attend.
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Posting on Behalf on the Eureka Police Department
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Posting on Behalf of the Eureka Police Department
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Rumble in the Jungle Auction is this Saturday! Auction starts at 6pm. Come early and check out all the great items up for auction. We are still accepting donations as well. Come help support our LCHS Activities!
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
BACK TO SCHOOL BLAST!! August 12 11:00am-2:00pm Thank you to United Way, Spring Up Tobacco, Logan Health - Whitefish, Eureka Public School Dist#13, and the MANY COMMUNITY PARTNERS who are working together to "grow the good" in our community!
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
The Kindergarten classes went on a field trip today to the Eureka Post Office. The kindergartners wrote letters for Mother’s Day, sealed them, got them stamped with postage, and mailed their letters. They got a behind the scenes tour to see how a post office works and had a blast. Thank you to the Eureka Post Office!!
almost 2 years ago, Wade VanNess
With the predicted weather forecast for rain/thunderstorms - we will hold the Walk-a-Thon at Eureka Elementary INSTEAD of at the track. Walk-a-Thon is Friday, May 5th. Information should have come home with your child. If you need more information, you can call the Elementary at 297-5500.
almost 2 years ago, Heather Dunn
location change