Notice of The Regular School Board Meeting on Feb 10 at 6:00pm in the LCHS Library.
5 days ago, Wade VanNess
board meeting notice
A tiny home built by last year’s Buildings Trades class has found a new home, but hasn’t moved far. This house will be used as a school employee rental property. The students were excited that their hard work will be used to help young staff members begin their educational journey, without the burden of high rental costs and lack of availability.
16 days ago, Wade VanNess
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
We are going to have to cancel buses once again on Tuesday 11/26. We drove, or attempted to drive several routes this afternoon to see if they were passible. We still don't have safe travel conditions for the buses. The school will again be open. If you can make it safely, please come. If you can't, please call your school in the morning to excuse your child. Hopefully this will all be cleared up by next week after we return from Thanksgiving break. Be safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago, Wade VanNess
To our men and women in uniform, past, present, and future, Thank You! Eureka Public Sdhools is proud to recognize all our Veterans on Veterans Day! America isn’t the land of the free without the brave.
3 months ago, Wade VanNess
School Board Notice - November 11, 6:00pm
3 months ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public Schools are accepting applications for a Full Time Custodian in the Elementary. District Applications and job descriptions are available on the district website or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650, or by email. Please contact Amy at Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
4 months ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Middle School is looking for a part-time parafrossional to work with students. Starting pay is $14.70. If interested, please fill out an application form on the school website, Come join our team! Go LIons!
5 months ago, Wade VanNess
Family Scouting Night!! Come learn about Scouts in our area. Tonight at 6:30pm in the Elementary Gym. For more information, contact Jim Atkinson 406-249-6765
5 months ago, Heather Dunn
Get your Sports Season Passes Now! Stop by the office to pick up your season passes, or you can use your credit/debit card online to pay. If paying online, scan the code on the graphic, create an account, and select your pass! Family-$150, Adult-$50, Retired (55-62)-$30, Students-$30. LCHS Students do not have to pay to get into events! Season passes will also be available at the first Volleyball and Football games! Don't miss out the action of our Lions & Lady Lions this year! Let's GO!
6 months ago, Wade VanNess
season passes
Eureka Public Schools is accepting applications for an elementary teacher. This is a full time position for the 2024-2025 school year. District Application and job description is available on the district website or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650, or by email. Please contact Amy at for information. Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E
7 months ago, Wade VanNess
Register Your Kindergartner! Will your child be 5 by September 10, 2024? If so, it's time to get them registered for Kindergarten! ( Only if you did NOT do Round-up) Use the following url to complete the registration form -OR- stop by the Elementary on Tuesdays from 10a-12p to register
7 months ago, Heather Dunn
Eureka Public Schools is hiring a Softball Coach for this upcoming school year. If you have any interest, please contact the Atheltic Director, Chad Dunn, at Help continue to bui.d our strong softball program! Go Lady Lions!
7 months ago, Wade VanNess
softball xcoach
Eureka Public Schools is accepting applications for a custodian and kitchen staff. All are full time positions. District Applications and job descriptions are available on the district website or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650, or by email. Please contact Amy at for information. Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
8 months ago, Wade VanNess
custian kitchen staff
The Kindergarten has been busy outside of the classroom the last couple of weeks. FIrst , they took their Mothers Day Letters to the post office and mailed them. Secondly, they went to to Glacier Bank and had listned to bank workes talk about savings along with watching how money was counted. They had a great time!
9 months ago, Wade VanNess
2024 Eureka School Board Trustee Election Results. Here are the Pre-Results Unofficial for trustee election. The top 2 vote getters will serve a 3-year term on the School Board. Thank you for all that voted.
9 months ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public Schools is looking to hire a High School Head Boys Basketball Coach for the 2024-2025 year. Do you have the passion to coach our Lions? If interested, please send a letter of interest and resume of coaching expereince to the athetic director Mr. Miller, It can also be mailed or dropped of at the school. GO LIONS!
10 months ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Trustee ballots should go out in the mail tomorrow (April 18th) from the County Election Administrator, Melanie Howell. These ballots are only going out to those voters in the Eureka School District. There are 4 candidates for two 3 year positions on the school board. Please drop off Ballots at the following locations: EUREKA DISPATCH – 855 US HWY 93 N Eureka, MT– Open 7 Days a Week, 24 hours a day. LINCOLN COUNTY ELECTION CENTER – 418 Mineral Ave, Libby, MT – Open M-F 8AM-5PM & 7AM-8PM on election day. Or you can mail the ballots back to the county election office. For questions please contact Melanie Howell, County Election Administrator 406-283-2302.
10 months ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public School District is accepting applications for a Middle School Athletic Director-part time for the 2024/2025 school year. District Applications and job descriptions are available on the district website or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650, or by email. Please contact Amy at Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
11 months ago, Wade VanNess
job opening
Thanks to the Lincoln County and State road Crews we are able to run our buses this morning Jan 18 . School is open and running on schedule. If you can’t get your kids to school safely, please call your child’s school to let them know. We will keep you updated if there are any changes. Drive carefully!
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Important Notice. We are still planning on having school tomorrow. We will make a decision on the buses in the morning dependent upon the current road conditions. If it is unsafe to drive your kids to school, keep them home. If you can bring them, we will be open. You will receive a text and an email from Superintendent Graves in the morning on status of the buses. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess