Eureka Public School District is accepting applications for a Middle School Athletic Director-part time for the 2024/2025 school year. District Applications and job descriptions are available on the district website or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650, or by email. Please contact Amy at Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
11 months ago, Wade VanNess
job opening
The County Spelling Bee is on February 22 at 1:00pm in the LCHS Auditorium. Come watch our amazing spellers compete. Good luck middle school students!
12 months ago, Wade VanNess
spelling bee
Thanks to the Lincoln County and State road Crews we are able to run our buses this morning Jan 18 . School is open and running on schedule. If you can’t get your kids to school safely, please call your child’s school to let them know. We will keep you updated if there are any changes. Drive carefully!
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Important Notice. We are still planning on having school tomorrow. We will make a decision on the buses in the morning dependent upon the current road conditions. If it is unsafe to drive your kids to school, keep them home. If you can bring them, we will be open. You will receive a text and an email from Superintendent Graves in the morning on status of the buses. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Attention Middle School Students: Do you like games that require strategy? Join Mr. Deshazer for this activity on Wednesdays starting January 17th. Are you a fan of Ice Fishing? Join Mr. Holder starting January 29th at the After School Program. This activity will be every school Monday until Spring Break, weather permitting. Students must be pre-registered to attend. Email Angela Price for more information at Register at
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Hello Eureka Lions. Due to extreme weather conditions and temperatures, Eureka Public Schools will NOT be running any school buses tomorrow, January 12. The schools WILL remain open for all students who can safely attend. If your student cannot safely come to school tomorrow please keep them home and inform the building school office. Thank you, Superintendent Graves
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
no buses
Due to extreme weather forecasted, all school extra-curricular and athletic events are being postponed or cancelled from Thursday 1/11 - Sunday 1/14. This includes basketball, wrestling, robotics, and speech & drama.
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
What a great winter concert performance by the middle and high school students. The auditorium was almost fully booked and audience got to hear some of our favorite Christmas songs. The chamber ensemble students rocked it out at the end. Elementary concert is Dec 14.
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
TONIGHT! December 12 is the HS/MS Band and Choir Concert and LCHS Winter Art Show. Art Show starts at 5, and Concert starts at 6:30. Come check out students projects and listen to our students sing and play! Elementary Concert is Dec 14.
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
art show concert
Congratulations to our Patriot Pen Essay Winners in the Middle School. VFW Post 6786 Commander Rick Weldon presents awards to Chayce J. ($25), Thorin N. ($50), and Lily F. ($100.00) Students were judged on essays about Patriotism Great Job Students!
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Thank you to the VFW for coming and showing the middle school students the 13 folds of our American Flag. Students were told the meaning of each fold. Some folds meanings include a symbol of life, honor and remembrance of veterans departing ranks, tribute to our armed forces, a tribute to our country, and pledging allegiance to the flag of the USA.
about 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
November Board Meeting Notice: November 13 at 6:00pm in the LCHS Media Center (Library)
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Results are back from the 2023 School Bond. 1238 YES to 1621 NO. 94% of the voters returned their ballots. Thank you to the School Board, Admin, Staff, and Community Members who worked on this bond request. Serving our Students is our mission and we will continue to do the best we can with what we have.
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public Schools is accepting applications for an Elementary Para Professional. This is a full time position. Come join our team and make an impact on our young students. District Applications and job descriptions are available on the district website or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650 or by email. Please contact Amy at Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
para professional
2023 School Bond ballots are being mailed out to registered voters in the Eureka Elementary School District on October 18. Ballots will need to be received back by Election Day November 7. Ballots can be mailed back to the county, dropped off at the sheriff's office, or dropped off on election day at the Eureka polling location, the High Roads Youth Center. Bond information is available at On the site you will find a calculator to find your increased tax impact on your property. If you need help, please feel free to contact Superintendent Joel Graves,, or 406.297.5650
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Sunburst Arts is proud to bring the Missoula Children's Theater to Eureka this year Nov 13-18. Auditions will be Nov 13 at 3:45. Approximately 50-60 kids will appear in the show. Spots available for stage managers as well. For more information, please read the graphic on this post. We are excited to see all the students perform!
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
The school bond vote is coming up soon. Ballots are being mailed from the county elections office on October 18 to those registered voters of the Eureka Elementary School District. Please take the time to get yourself informed on the needs of the school district and your tax impact. Visit for more information. You can also call or email Superintendent Joel Graves at 406.297.5650 or He will take time to answer all your questions. There is also an informational meeting on October 17 in the LCHS Auditorium at 6:00pm This will start after the Eureka Town Council Candidate Forum. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
On October 20 the Northwest Drug Task force and Lincoln County Sheriff's office will have a presentation about Fentanyl. Please read flyer for information and plan to attend.
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Posting on Behalf on the Eureka Police Department
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess
Posting on Behalf of the Eureka Police Department
over 1 year ago, Wade VanNess