Notice of The Regular School Board Meeting on Feb 10 at 6:00pm in the LCHS Library.
5 days ago, Wade VanNess
board meeting notice
A tiny home built by last year’s Buildings Trades class has found a new home, but hasn’t moved far. This house will be used as a school employee rental property. The students were excited that their hard work will be used to help young staff members begin their educational journey, without the burden of high rental costs and lack of availability.
16 days ago, Wade VanNess
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
A representative from the University of Montana spoke to the art students, as well as picking up some student art projects that were submitted to the University of Montana School of Visual and Media Arts (SVMA) presentation of Corridor 93 Exhibition. All artwork that was submitted was juried by UM’s SVMA staff, and we had 20 student pieces chosen to be displayed, the most by any school. Montana high schools located along Highway 93, from the border of Idaho and up to the border of Canada, were asked to submit artwork for the art exhibition. There will be a total of 94 pieces showcased. Here are the schools that made it into the Corridor 93 Juried Art Exhibition: Polson, Flathead, Loyola, Darby, Florence, Big Sky, Whitefish School, Eureka, Charlo, and Willard Alternative Student work will be displayed from Jan 30-Feb 22 at the Gallery Of Art on the UM Campus. If you are in Missoula, go check it out! Great Job Students!
27 days ago, Wade VanNess
We are going to have to cancel buses once again on Tuesday 11/26. We drove, or attempted to drive several routes this afternoon to see if they were passible. We still don't have safe travel conditions for the buses. The school will again be open. If you can make it safely, please come. If you can't, please call your school in the morning to excuse your child. Hopefully this will all be cleared up by next week after we return from Thanksgiving break. Be safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago, Wade VanNess
Can you believe it, our winter sports start this week! There is a mandatory parent and athlete meeting on Tuesday November 19 at 5:30pm in the LCHS Gymnasium. After the initial meeting, each sports team will have their own individual meeting. Practice starts on Thursday November 21. Girls Basketball 3:30-5:30, Boys Basketball 5:30-7:00, Boys Wrestling 3:30-6:00, Girls Wrestling 3:30-6:00, Winter Cheerleading 4:00-5:30. Good Luck to all our winter sports athletes! We can't wait to watch you all compete!
3 months ago, Wade VanNess
Our LCHS Key Club went to the statewide Key Club Youth Conference in Great Falls. We met and worked with Key Clubs from all over the state. The girls volunteered with the Salvation Army, YWCA, & Toby’s House of Great Falls. They also made and donated dog blankets and toys for the Great Falls animal shelter. They are really looking forward to bringing back some great ideas to help out our community.
3 months ago, Wade VanNess
key club
key club
key club
To our men and women in uniform, past, present, and future, Thank You! Eureka Public Sdhools is proud to recognize all our Veterans on Veterans Day! America isn’t the land of the free without the brave.
3 months ago, Wade VanNess
School Board Notice - November 11, 6:00pm
3 months ago, Wade VanNess
Eureka Public Schools are accepting applications for a Full Time Custodian in the Elementary. District Applications and job descriptions are available on the district website or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650, or by email. Please contact Amy at Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E.
4 months ago, Wade VanNess
THe LCHS Civics class is hosting a House Distrct 1 State Legislature Candidate Forum on October 16 at 6:00pm in the LCHS Auditorium. Candidates to appear are Neil Duram and Dakota Adams. All questions will be from and asked by LCHS students. Come check it out.
4 months ago, Wade VanNess
candidate forum
LCHS Seniors, with direction from Counselor Mrs. Neesvig, are completing college applications this week. Until October 11, Seniors can apply for any of Montana's Colleges, Community Colleges, or Trade Schools for FREE. We are encouraging all Seniors to apply, even if they are unsure what their future plans are or where they want to go. Students are not committed to the schools when they apply. For more information, and to apply, students can visit the Apply Montana website, . Go Seniors!
4 months ago, Wade VanNess
college application week
Definition of Teamwork. Our advanced welding and building trades students worked together and muscled up the walls of the next tiny home. Great job students.
5 months ago, Wade VanNess
The walls are coming up! The LCHS Building Trades program is making progress on their next tiny home! The students are doing great things at our school!
5 months ago, Wade VanNess
tiny home
tiny home
tiny home
Eureka Middle School is looking for a part-time parafrossional to work with students. Starting pay is $14.70. If interested, please fill out an application form on the school website, Come join our team! Go LIons!
5 months ago, Wade VanNess
Get your Sports Season Passes Now! Stop by the office to pick up your season passes, or you can use your credit/debit card online to pay. If paying online, scan the code on the graphic, create an account, and select your pass! Family-$150, Adult-$50, Retired (55-62)-$30, Students-$30. LCHS Students do not have to pay to get into events! Season passes will also be available at the first Volleyball and Football games! Don't miss out the action of our Lions & Lady Lions this year! Let's GO!
6 months ago, Wade VanNess
season passes
Freshmen and New Student Orientation is coming up soon on August 27. 9:00am-12:00pm Are you going to be a Freshmen or are a new student to LCHS? You are encouraged to attend this all important orientation. Learn about the high school, academic criteria, technology needs, library procedures, open your locker and get your chromebooks, social behavior, learn the school song, and more! Lunch will be provided. Prizes given out too! Have questions, please call the high school office at 406-297-5700.
6 months ago, Wade VanNess
Please fill out the following form to sign up for our Fall Drivers Ed Class. Signup deadline is August 30. Students must be 14 1/2 years old with a birthday on or before May 15, 2010 to be eligible to take. Students will be accepted with the oldest students qualifying first and class will be limited to 21 students. The Parent Meeting will be September 4 at 6:00pm in the LCHS Auditorium, with classes beginning on September 5. Classroom portion is about 5-6 weeks with classes 2-3 times a week from 6:45am-8:00am with driving after school and the weekends. STUDENTS AND PARENTS WILL BE CONTACTED AUGUST 31 TO NOTIFY IF THEIR SON/DAUGHTER QUALIFIES FOR THE CLASS. Students will not miss any school athletics or activities, but may miss an occasional practice. Cost of the class: $300. Deadline to sign up: August 30. Please contact Mr. VanNess at with any questions you may have. We will have another session that will start in February 2025. CLICK THE LINK TO SIGNUP:
6 months ago, Wade VanNess
fall drivers ed sign up
Vollyball Tryouts August 16, 19, 20 ~ 9:30-1pm. Please read graphic for details.
6 months ago, Wade VanNess
volleyball tryouts
LCHS Fall Sports seasons will be starting soon! Make sure your athlete has their physical done before the first day of practice. There will be a parent meeting for all Fall Sports on August 12 at 6:00pm in the LCHS Auditorium. The first day of practice for all sports in on August 16. Here are the times for each sport. Cross Country-8:26am, Volleyball-9:30am, Cheerleading-10:00am, Football-8:00am For any further information contact athletic director Chad Dunn at GO LIONS!
6 months ago, Wade VanNess
high school sports
Eureka Public Schools is accepting applications for an elementary teacher. This is a full time position for the 2024-2025 school year. District Application and job description is available on the district website or at the Central Office, LCHS 340 Ninth Street, Eureka, MT 59917, 406-297-5650, or by email. Please contact Amy at for information. Eureka Public School District #13 is an E.O.E
7 months ago, Wade VanNess